Responsible – who is responsible for the data processing?
The person responsible for your data is ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L., whose contact details, for these purposes, are:
Identity: Escuela de Lengua Española S.L.
Registered office: Aureliano valle.04-bajo-Iz
CIF/NIF: B95963534
Telephone: (+33) 697 49 28 13
Email: in**@bi************.com
Domain name:
ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. informs you as the owner and responsible for the processing of personal data that you may provide for the proper development of the work of a training centre, as well as, through the various forms and communications that you can send us by the means of contact that we provide through our website, and that in any case you provide us freely and voluntarily, being collected by ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S. L. in compliance with European regulations. L. in compliance with European and national regulations on personal data protection, inserts, in order to comply with the principle of transparency and information, the different areas and / or processing activities. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about the personal data protection policy established for this purpose by the entity, it being understood that the personal data processed will be minimised as much as possible for each of the purposes carried out, processing those with the least or indispensable information associated with personal identification for the correct provision of the service or request of the interested party.
TELEPHONE: +34 63 222 9 77 7
EMAIL: in**@bi************.com
ADDRESS: Aureliano valle – 04 bajo-Iz, Codigo Postal- 48010, Bilbao,Bizkaia
Purposes – for what purposes do we process your data?
ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. may process the personal data of the interested party in order to comply with the mandate given by the same, under the representation of the person or persons holding parental authority or guardianship of the interested party if the latter is a minor, in the process of enrolment in the courses and training offered by the entity. The latter must also provide their data and they will be processed together with those of the data subject.
This processing will be the usual and necessary for the proper management of the training centre and the student’s education. Among others, the following are contemplated:
Those inherent to the legal obligation of the training centre, in order to be able to provide the educational and training services that are proper to us, such as managing applications for places, enrolment, academic and administrative management, assessment of the student and the communication of these assessments, management of teaching activities and other services associated with them.
The management of the entity’s documentation, such as the computer system, on paper or the accounting management of the training centre.
To carry out an educational function.
To publicise the activities of the entity.
To send communications informing them of our educational activities.
Any others that may be necessary in order to fulfil the mandate given by the student and his/her representative/s to the training centre.
To make you participate in the personnel selection processes carried out in the entity.
Type of personal data processed:
► PERSONAL DATA: identification data, address, photograph, contact data.
ACADEMIC DATA: attendance, grades, internships, etc.
HEALTH DATA: required for the safety of students.
CONTACT DATA: which may include location data.
IMAGE DATA: photography and audiovisual material for publication on social networks and ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. website.
Likewise, the information provided may be used to carry out information campaigns, as well as notifications of new courses, events and promotional activities related to the activity carried out by the entity.
Categories of data – What data do we process?
In accordance with education regulations, the organisation is responsible for the custody and archiving of the students’ academic records, which is why this data will be kept indefinitely. In addition to strictly academic information and data, academically relevant reports will form part of the file.
The data for sending commercial or informative communications about our services will be kept indefinitely, until, where appropriate, you express your wish to delete them.
ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. will keep the curriculums as long as it deems appropriate, as vacancies may arise that may fit your profile.
Legitimation – what is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The legal basis for the processing of data for the purposes defined above is:
GDPR, article 6.1.b): the performance of the contract (enrolment).
GDPR, Article 6(1)(c): processing necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the controller (e.g. administrative, academic or government-required data).
RGPD, article 6.1.f): legitimate interest ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L., the student or their representatives, in accordance with the purposes contemplated in the registration and the development of the same. In this case, the greatest diligence will always be observed in order to respect the Rights and Freedoms of the minor and his/her representative(s).
RGPD, article 6.1.a): basis for taking photographs and their subsequent publication on social networks or the entity’s website, as well as the sending of the prospective offer of services. The basis lies in the consent you are asked to give, which you may revoke at any time, but the processing of data for this purpose carried out previously will not lose its lawfulness because the consent has been revoked.
The owner of the data, or the holder or holders of parental authority or guardianship, is informed of the obligatory nature of the communication of their personal data for the correct development of the contracted activities.
Recipients To which recipients will your data be communicated?
We inform you that;
- a) The data provided will be used by ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L., by those persons who must have access according to their function in the company and may be transferred for any of the complementary services or activities that are added in the training centre and may be required in the interest of the owner of the data or their representative(s).
- b) The transfers to ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. suppliers that are necessary for the proper functioning of the same, such as the document destruction service, computer technicians who have to carry out maintenance, repairs or installations in the entity, etc., are contemplated. In this case, the legal obligations of the Data Protection regulations shall be complied with and the appropriate guarantees shall be demanded from the Supplier.
- d) ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. will inform those third parties that are not in charge of the processing, of the communication and the need, where appropriate, to obtain their consent for the processing related to the operation(s) concerned.
- c) No other transfers are foreseen, unless ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. is obliged to do so by any regulation or legislation of mandatory compliance.
Rights – What are your rights when you provide us with your data and how can you exercise them?
ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. informs that the owner of the data, or the holder or holders of parental authority or guardianship, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection (RGPD) and the L.O. 3/2018 on Data Protection and Data Protection. 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, may exercise their right of access, rectification, deletion (“right to be forgotten”), limitation, opposition and portability of said data before the Data Protection Officer (DPO), providing a copy of the National Identity Document or document that allows proof of parental authority or guardianship. The aforementioned rights consist of the power, under the requirements of articles 15 to 21 of the RGPD and the LOPDGDD 3/2018, that the data owner has to:
- Know what data is held by ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. and what use is made of it.
- Update your data.
- Limit the processing of your data.
- Exercise the “right to be forgotten” or deletion.
- Express your objection to processing in certain circumstances and on grounds relating to your particular situation.
- Receive a copy of their data in an accessible format or request its deletion.
At any time, the owner of the data or its holder or holders of parental authority or guardianship may withdraw the consent given to the specific processing, by means of the procedure indicated in the first paragraph of this section, and this action may cause the unilateral termination of the contract entered into as a result of not being able to fulfil its obligations, if this has been specified under the heading “Legitimation”.
In the event of any infringement of your rights, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction for the exercise thereof, the data subject is reminded that he/she has the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
There are no plans to transfer data to countries outside the EU. In the event that such a transfer is necessary for the service we may provide, international data transfers will be covered by the European Data Protection Regulation or, where applicable, by the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement.
Professional secrecy. ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. and the collaborators who work with us and who have any kind of intervention in the services provided, are committed to not disclose or make use of the information to which they have access according to the existing relationship. The information provided by the owner of the data or legal representative will, in any case, be considered confidential, and may not be used for purposes other than those related to the services requested from ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L.
ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. undertakes not to disclose or reveal information of the owner or represented.
Destruction of documents. In order to preserve and guarantee confidentiality, ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. undertakes to destroy all confidential information to which it has had access because of the service offered when they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, unless there is a legal obligation to preserve them. If the owner wishes to keep the original or a copy of this information, he/she must print it or keep it by his/her own means or go to the headquarters of ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. to collect it before its destruction.
Security: ESCUELA DE LENGUA ESPAÑOLA S.L. implements organisational and technical measures in order to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access, and is not responsible for any loss, loss or manipulation of unauthorised data beyond the control of the entity/ies associated with the treatment of your personal data.